Cool Prezi Tricks for Students
Presentation is one of those techniques that work for establishing productive academic communication. There are a number of programs you can use for it. Take a new look at the process of presentation making with Prezi. Just imagine how quickly it functions due to self-guided autonomy. With its top technologies, it would be conducive to deliver your message. Here is a list of ideas on how to use Prezi so that you get satisfying results.
Prezi is a very popular tool applied as alternative to Power Point. Previously, it assisted libraries, but these days, it is getting more and more popular among students. However, the program itself is not a guarantee that the presentation you get as a final result will be engrossing and qualitative. So, here is a guide that would help getting familiar with the basics and some secrets to presentation making.
What are the basic principles of Prezi functioning?
Once you start, you can take a blank canvas or some suggested template that may be appropriate for the type of presentation you are going to complete. The material to be added may be some text, graphics, videos, or anything else that you find useful to cover. Your task is to organize the information is such an order that it would logically disclose the subject. Prezi zooms each of the elements placed by you in the slides one by one giving a chance to have a closer look at each piece of information.
Prezi’s advantages
First of all, the tool is new and differs from others of this kind. It goes without saying that Power Point is already outdated and people are searching for something more eye-catching in order to grasp their audience during presentation. What is more, Prezi may be non-linear. That means you can follow your own scenario just zooming the selected material. You may vary the slides and information in them. Furthermore, time-slot can be changed as well. You are free to take the actions you consider to be useful to make the information easily perceivable for your target audience.
Compared to Power Point, there is no hierarchy dictated. You are the only one who is in charge of a plot and the way it is introduced. It is also possible to control the size of any points you insert in each slide. So, Prezi does not require you to construct your information in a line of identical slide fragments, but you can easily make it diverse and catching. Certainly, it pushes to think in more creative manner.
Prezi is beneficial because it allows organizing information in the way that may kindle a spark of interest in your audience and facilitate you, as a speaker, with appropriate tools. That is very handy that you can without much effort share Prezi on any website or send a link to Prezi.com, which is especially advantageous for online learning courses. Additionally, your audience has a possibility to devote more time to the most important slides navigating them on their own.
Potential disadvantages
Prezi is itself zooming and rolling, so not to produce an awful effect, it all should be used correctly. Motion-sickness may, in fact, be a result of wrong actions during presentation completing.
In terms of accessibility, Prezi is not that serviceable. The transcript is available automatically but it is not well-organized. It makes impossible to read the information from the screen. A better solution is to share a presentation online.
A presentation should be saved to USB, otherwise it requires flash.
It is very different from Microsoft Office we are all accustomed to, so you’ll need to learn how to use it efficiently.
Sometimes, users get lost in Prezi’s tricky moves and find it rather complicated to puzzle out in its technology.
Handy ideas on how to use Prezi successfully
- Pay attention to logical organization of all the information you put in the slides. The things you introduce should be not only informative but coherent too. Think of the exact structure in advance and follow it as you work on the presentation.
- Apply top-down presentation view. Use the option of zooming out the whole information you have. Regarding Prezi background, it was the actual aim of its invention. This background gives you a chance to demonstrate your audience how far you are in the presentation. It helps to grasp the message you want to get across. It is a nice idea to use top-down view as you finish your presentation.
- Think of the methods not to cause motion-sickness. Take control of zooming around. You can do it through pace of the presentation. Do not jump every few second to another slide. Moreover, the order of demonstrated material should not be random, but place it from top-to-bottom or left-to-right to make it conceivable. There are additional options such as rotating, spinning about, and barrel-rolling, but it doesn’t mean you should use them all at once. To demonstrate the crucial points you should use maximum two special effects, as zoom-in or upside down.
- Use your .edu or .ac.uk email address to sign up. If you are an academic user, you can upgrade to the Educational License without paying anything.
Prezi is a good alternative to choose for your presentations. Learn how to use it appropriately and thrive on it.