Project Paper and Its Importance
It is worth noting that a project paper refers to a formal document. Its major objective is to clearly present and discuss the results of author’s research. It is crucial to follow certain guidelines since they are obligatory for the whole process of project paper writing. So, what is a project paper? Well, this kind of academic paper is a research paper that is assigned to identify and explore particular technical, scientific and social problems. Usually this project is the final one for a student. As a result, students are already aware of the steps necessary for effective project writing, which makes the work easier for them. However, some students lack necessary writing skills to complete their final project on their own.
Selecting the Right Topic
Selecting the best topic for your research is the very first step of the writing process. Here it is important to pay attention to the following tips:
- Ask important questions
Topic choice is the very first thing you should do prior to writing your project. When you do it, ask the following questions and think about the answers: Will I find the needed information and research on the chosen topic? Will I be able to offer unique opinions on the topic? Is the topic relevant to my specialization?
- You need to love your topic
When you select the topic and feel passionate about it, it is already a success. If you choose the topic that is not interesting to you, the writing process will become a burden for you. So, if you want to enjoy every writing step, make sure your topic sparks interest in you.
- Keep originality
In case you project paper is the final work in your academic year, you are supposed to make it original. Soon, you will graduate and you have a right to select the topic you love. When you keep on writing on too general topics or select the same one each time, it will become boring and not interesting for your target audience.
- Look for professional advice
Sometimes, it may be challenging for a student to write a project or research paper. That is why it is better to look for expert who can give your correct advice. Professor is the best person to ask for writing advice. Your professor will always offer you some good ideas that can help you with writing process or can inspire you to complete your work successfully. Do not feel hesitant and consult your professor or instructor.
- Chosen topic is not always the final one
In case you are aware of project writing rules, then you should know that the selected project is not always the final one. Topic can change and you may experience it during the process of your research work. So, if you understand that you have to change the project topic, be sure that it is a normal approach to your work.
Research Work
It is crucial to note that your project will go in line with the research work you have conducted in your field of study. It is advisable to pay attention to the following during the research work:
- Start your research work
As soon as you have chosen the topic you love, start researching trustworthy and reliable sources of information like journal articles, books, governmental websites etc. take your time and rest assured that the sources you have found are relevant to your topic and up to date. It is recommended to use at least five sources in your project work.
- Using empirical research should be considered
When you work on the project, you need to make fine research. So, using empirical research is the best option for your project.
- Library is the best place to look for credible sources
Nowadays, many students underestimate the libraries. However, they have no idea that libraries are the best assistants in doing quality research work. You can find various types of materials in the library starting from newspapers to academic books and pamphlets.
- Internet can be helpful as well
Choosing the top results in the search engine is not always the best idea when you are doing the research. In order to determine the legitimacy of the source, you have to take your time and read it carefully.
- Academic databases are the best option
If you failed to use academic database, you cannot complete your project successfully. Academic databases are full of peer-reviewed journals, scientific magazines and books.
- Use creativity when doing your research
In the end of the book you found, you can find even more sources that will be relevant to your topic. So, be attentive and check the last pages of the chosen book.
Make an Outline
Now, you go deeper to the research project writing and it is a high time to create a paper outline. As soon as you collect all the information, annotate your research work. Highlight the information in the selected sources that will be used in your project. Then create an outline that will help you to include all important points in the final paper. Research work will definitely take a lot of time, thus you need to structure your notes in the proper way.
Thesis Statement
It has to appear at the paper beginning after the introductory paragraph. In one or even two sentences, you need to explain the major objective of your work. Remember that you can change your thesis when you continue with your project writing.
Project Paper Structuring
Everything should be clear here: provide introduction, then write main body of the paper and end your work with conclusion.
- Introduction
Here you need to tell your readers what the project is about. End your intro with thesis statement. Explain how you decide to solve the major task. For example what approaches and methods you are going to apply.
- Main Body
After stating the question, you are ready to write the main body where you have to provide an answer to the statement question. Present a clear argument relevant to your project. When you write the main body, please reread the introductory paragraph to make sure that you follow everything you mentioned at the beginning.
Note that correct terms usage is crucial. It will help to make your work more accurate. Include figures, tables and graphs if it is relevant for your project.
- Conclusion
Here your task is to provide a summary of your findings as well as answer the statement question in a clear manner. Do not surprise your reader with new ideas in conclusion. Conclusion should prove that you have an insight into the chosen topic. You can always look for project paper example online.
Read Our Project Paper Example ("Management Company Research Project")
This is a research paper which will examine the principles of management with respect to Business Management Company, Inc., (BMC). This is a full service accounting firm that serves Maryland, Pennsylvania Virginia, West Virginia and D.C. area. The paper is divided into three sections with the first section focusing on the analysis of the company website. The different management that BMC engages in are identified and discussed in the second section with the third section having the details of the company infrastructure and the various management mechanisms put in place to support the business activities.
Section I: The Company Website
The company URL is http://www.bmcaccounting.com/about.htm. Bader in his lecture on website analysis claims that, “the website has become an essential tool for business”. Evan shares the same sentiments and claims that a good website needs to take care of two factors: the search engines as well as the online visitors. The term used is search friendly website which implies user friendly (for online visitors) and search engine friendly. The later is necessary to allow high key word rankings to be achieved.
The BMC website has been kept simple and easy to navigate. It is quite easy to find out what you need to know within three to four clicks on the mouse. For instance, with just one click on the services button, one is able to access the nine services which are offered by the company. The information is brief and succinct with no irrelevant information given. This is characteristic of business issues whereby information has to be communicated succinctly without wasting of time. The images have been kept to the minimum and the web pages are generally quite presentable. In accordance to Bader’s argument, the BMC website at first site easily reflects a serious business personality.
The BMC website communicates a lot of experience in the field of management. From its systematic arrangement to the testimonials given, an online visitor gets to feel that the company is an exemplary one. All the basic information required is included in the website with their contacts including the directions which are clearly set out on a map [click ‘Get Directions’ under ‘contact us’]. The website has the ‘INFO CENTER’ which shows how they carry out their work and the documents used to ensure that an exemplary work will be accomplished.
Section II: The Management Activities that BMI is Engaged in
BMC is engaged in offering accounting services which includes payroll, monthly books, accounts payable, business and financial consulting, professional income tax preparation and business management service. Under the ‘service’ web page the following services are listed accounting, payroll, taxes, consulting, training, outsourcing, financial services, computer services and mortgage services.
Under the accounting section BMC provides tax forms and monthly or quarterly financial statements. The company completes payroll reports each quarter. This is done along with the estimated tax payments. The company frequently meets with the clients to discuss issues touching on the tax planning, profit issues, job costing and strategies of saving tax. The company processes all the tax fillings and payments. The third party payments to garnishments, insurance, retirements plans etc are taken care of by the company. The company also offers personal and business tax filling quickly and affordably.
The company is engaged in consultation services in the named below areas: business start up, merges, business purchases, operations, business succession, tax planning business software and much more. The company offers on-sight and in house quick books training. Trouble shooting and reconciliation are also offered. The company offers outsourcing services to enable businesses spend their time where they are most productive.
The company offers financial planning services in a variety of fields which include asset management whereby clients are assisted in the management of their assets, retirement plans, business & household budgeting, they carry out business valuation, and others. The company through its sisters companies offers computer services and mortgage services.
Section III: The Company Infrastructure and Management Mechanisms
The company has got various structures which makes its running to be effective. Under the tax planning the following are used in enhancing effectiveness: The 2009 information checklist contains a list of the items which are needed to finish the returns. The 1040 questionnaire gives the general information about the client with the tax organizer being a form that collects information about the tax payment of a client. There are tax coupons under which enable the company to carry activities related with the tax of a client smoothly.
A new employee forms are also available. They are a variety of them and used buy the company to the employers hire employees in the right manner to avoid law suits. The company also avails template agreements which are meant to help the company make sound agreements. Lastly covered are the extensions which are meant to enable a business operate effectively without making mistakes in the issues related to taxes regulations.
An effective company needs to take into account a number of issues. The marketing tools, for instance the business website, should be designed to attract the clients and should be indexed appropriately to ensure high key word ranking. A company’s internal structure should reflect a business atmosphere and there should be proper mechanism and structures to ensure that the company objectives and goals are met.