Reflection Essay Example: Use Professionally Written Sample for Success
Often when students are assigned to write a reflection to some video watched or an article read, they wonder what they should actually do. Thus, a reflection essay example written by an expert writer would come in handy and prove to be of immense help to them. Students would be able to better understand the organizational principles of this piece of writing and will have more chances of providing a winning essay. Moreover, it is also essential to understand the essence of reflection essay writing. First and foremost, the main aim of a reflective essay is to describe some experience, phenomenon or event and provide its in-depth analysis by reflecting on the core lessons that could be learned from it. Second, it lies in the detailed and successful analysis of the past experience from the perspective of the present.
When it comes to reflective essay writing, they demand from one to reveal thoughts, emotions, and opinions when it comes to bringing a specific even to life. For example, a reflective paper would be just perfect for the description of a person, an event or even some character traits. Whatever topic you choose, the most important thing is to provide as vivid and detailed explanations as possible.
How to Write a Reflection Essay
If you have grabbed an opportunity to find a reflection essay example online or buy it from our reputable custom writing service, you can now switch over to the process of working on a reflection paper on your own. So, check out a comprehensible and a step-by-step process how to work on a reflective essay:
- Identify the type of a reflective essay you need to write. Reflective essay writing falls into three main categories: educational (where you persevere some informative aim and you reflect on the book, movie, etc.); professional (where you provide analysis of a specific topic/ subject/ issue/ behavior from a professional perspective); and personal (where you merely investigate your own thoughts, feelings, and emotions on a specific topic or in a specific subject area).
- Come up with a topic or a subject area of your paper. As a rule, topics are assigned by professors but in case you were granted more freedom in this matter, be sure to formulate the topic on your own. You can center the paper topic on some movie or video you have recently watched, or on some literary work that you have read. Whichever you choose, make sure you have enough time to analyze it, evaluate the main points, and reflect on it.
- Brainstorm ideas and compose an outline. It is essential to gather ideas that you associate with your topic. Make sure to write them down — it does not matter that you will have to include all of them — it is just important that you write them out and then decide which of them are worth including in the paper. Taking notes is an important part of working on your essay as it helps one structure the thoughts and also ensure that you do not repeat the same ideas throughout the paper. As such, the message would be conveyed in a more effective way. After you have jotted down all the important facts connected with the paper, organize an outline that will serve you as a roadmap for the essay.
- Organization process is a key. Outline should be organized based on the notes you have taken before. While composing the outline, make sure you can find answers to questions dealing with how the subject of your writing relates to you personally, specifically the emotions and feelings that you have. Besides, it is essential to organize an introductory paragraph and come up with a strong thesis statement. Afterwards, it is essential to elaborate on the body paragraphs of the essay and provide explanations and details. Finally, it is needed to sum up the paper by wrapping up the ideas in a conclusive paragraph.
- Make sure you maintain a consistent writing style. Each person has his/ her own style of writing, so it is important to maintain your individual writing style when working on this paper. However, apart from a specific style, your paper should have the following characteristics: be brief, concise, logical, appropriate to the initial writing purpose, as well as have properly cited sources. Make sure that you proofread and edit your paper upon completion.
Handy Tips to Deliver a Top-Notch Reflective Essay
- Try not to focus on personalities but rather concentrate on actions and feelings that those people have. As such, be sure to pay more attention to the description of emotions and feelings that arise in the process of describing the central message of your story.
- Keep in mind that you should avoid first-person usage. You can take a look at a reflection essay example downloaded from the Internet and see how it is better to express your thoughts and provide the description. It is recommended to maintain neutral style and use third-person pronouns. Still, it does not mean that you should not express your opinion and talk about your feelings.
- Avoid slang and colloquial language in your writing. Since a reflective essay is still a piece of academic writing, make sure it is really academic — and it means without slang, contractions, and other inappropriate language. You may add some jokes or stories to put your readers at ease but still turning the reflective paper into a personal journal would not be a good idea.
- Use transitions in order to maintain logical order and coherence of the ideas. Therefore, enrich your paper with such phrases as “however,” “moreover,” “for example,” “besides,” “consequently,” “as a result,” “on the contrary,” and others.
- Make your story bright, vivid but brief at the same time. As a rule, reflective papers range from 300 to 700 words in length. So, make sure you pay attention to the word count requirements of your reflection paper assignment.
If you want to get examples how a reflection paper should be written, be sure to check on the reflection essay example on our website.
Reflection Essay Example to Read
Learning through this class has definitely assisted me in becoming the employee that I want to be. I was able to see the importance of becoming a person that is flexible and dependable at all times. I never realized at first that this course shall give me the chance to learn this well about a profession that I am trying to master.
Through the course works and the quizzes given, I was able to see through the situation and handle employee-manager issues in my own pace that made me more aware of what the others feel and how I should deal with them. As a master student who is trying to become a master employee, I was able to enrich my reasoning through the different assignments given. My expression of opinion was indeed enriched and the right kind of development with regards my understanding on the topics regarding the issues concerned in employee development.
Throughout the course, I could say the definition of employee and the role that each person intends to take as he becomes one was more clarified. It appears that an employee is one of the most important foundations that any company or enterprise needs to function. This is the reason why their rights need to be given proper attention, need to be properly instantiated for development and must be constantly observed.
The cross-presentation of our possible role of being the manager and being the employee has allowed me to see myself as someone in the position of the other. Through this course, I learned that effort and cooperation between both parties need to be given proper nourishment so as to increase the capability of each individual to profoundly create a difference in the organization that they are working for. Making a great expectation out of each other may be both integral as well as negative for the people in an organization depending on how it is used.
Employee motivation and superior respect to managers were among the two most important virtues that I learned from this course. Never did I imagine that the employee-employer relationship could only become successful when it becomes definitely clear and instantiated that the rights and the values of each other are properly given attention to and that their efforts are particularly given proper compensation. It could not be denied that the entire process of development depends on how much each party care for the others’ welfare and values.
As a student, I saw myself to be of someone who needs to know more in connection with the outside world against these four walls of the classroom. Although I have already tried working before and have tried reporting for actual work schedules, I know I have done my part, but of course, through this subject, I was able to learn that there is more to myself and my capabilities that I could share with the team of workers that I am functioning with, the my role is not only for myself or defending my position but practically for the existence of the entire team and making an impression as a unified organization in the industry.
These considerations have been the learning advancements that I have gained from enrolling and from being a well defined employee through this course. I could say that somehow, this course has definitely opened a new horizon of understanding for me as I handle the new responsibilities I would soon take at work.